What to do if you get a spot or breakout before your wedding…

hormonal breakouts on jaw before wedding day

When I used to work in film and TV it was really common for an actor to have a spot arrive just in time for their first day of filming. This can really affect confidence, which is less than ideal before an important occasion like your wedding. When we are stressed (and/or nervous), our body releases ‘extra’ stress hormone, cortisol. This can then result in an inflammatory response from our skin that presents itself differently in each person - from rashes, eczema, rocaessa, psoriasis to spots.

For spots the cortisol encourages an increase in sebum, which can lead to inflammation and blocked pores in the skin - the perfect combination for a flare up. And it gets worse… stress also slows down the healing process of skin, resulting in spots hanging around for longer and fading slower. 

The kind of spot and how long before your wedding it arises, will affect the best way to treat it. Here’s some advice to help you should the event arise:

Don’t panic

Firstly, don’t stress, these things happen! I totally understand what this does to your confidence and mindset, but I want to reassure you that it always feels worse than it looks. Your makeup artist will be able to cover any redness if it does occur and nobody else will notice if there’s inflammation. Extra stress over a breakout will not help it heal any quicker. 

Do not pick at your spot

Picking a spot is never a good idea (popping and picking are different!). Red, sore and inflamed spots should be left well alone.  Attempting to squeeze before it’s ready can make inflammation worse, spread bacteria and lead to scarring. Instead, cover with a pimple patch. This will help treat, take down inflammation and reduce the likeliness of you picking at it.

Avoid drying out the spot

Don’t use a traditional spot cream (particularly when the wedding is only a few days away).  Keep the area hydrated. Drying out a spot will make it harder to cover with makeup and can lead to it becoming crusty.

Stick to your tried and tested skin routine 

It may be tempting to throw the kitchen sink at the breakout and try a whole load of new products that promise to get rid of your blemish, but stick to your trusted skincare routine. Throwing new products into the mix might make the flare up worse or cause a reaction.

Reduce the inflammation

Alternate between using a hot and cold compress. For example use something like a cold gua sha or ice cubes on the affected area throughout the day and alternate this with something warming like a crystal mushroom.  This will help to soothe the area and reduce swelling.

Drain the toxins away

If using a crystal mushroom or gua sha, work in circular motions around the pimple and then pump away from the face and down the neck to drain the toxins. 

Look after yourself from the inside out 

Drink lots of water to help flush the body. 

Avoid sugary and salty foods that can increase inflammation.

Ensure you eat protein with every meal to help balance blood sugar levels. 

Try to get extra helpings of dark green leafy vegetables which contain anti-inflammatory chlorophyll.

Make sure you get lots of sleep, our bodies repair while we rest so it will help to heal the spot quicker.

Getting your blood pumping with exercise will help those toxins move around your body.

Treatments that may help

LED light therapy - Red light can be really helpful to take down inflammation and help to heal a spot. Blue light (alongside red light) helps kill acne bacteria that causes breakouts. You could also use an at home LED light mask for an extra boost and consistency.

High frequency - has an antibacterial effect, which will help to limit the formation of a spot and you can also ‘spark’ a targeted area which helps to reduce inflammation.

Spot popping rules 

Firstly I would avoid popping if you can (however, this is very hypocritical as I know I would not be able to leave it alone). So always proceed with caution and at your own risk.

Do not attempt to pop before it’s ready (not ready means when a spot is painful). The following advice only relates to white heads (such as little spots you may get after waxing or if a red spot has formed into a white head and no longer hurts).

Firstly ensure you have clean hands and a clean face (during your evening routine is an ideal time, a few hours before bed).

Avoid using your fingers and instead try using the ends of 2 cotton buds as they are more gentle and less likely to mark the skin. 

Do not over squeeze.  You need to stop before any blood is drawn.  Once there is blood it can often cause more inflammation, scabbing and scarring.

Once popped, clean with a cleanser or exfoliating pad (like the killa zitsticka salicylic wipe if you have one). I would then alternate between a pimple patch to reduce touching the blemish and applying moisturiser (or oil) to avoid drying the area out.  You may find you need to repeat the process a day or so later.

Hopefully these tips will help you to deal with any breakouts that may arise. Most importantly don’t forget I have a box full of tricks to hide any blemish.  So no need to stress!

*Disclosure: please note some links included are affiliate links which mean for some sales made I get a very small percentage of the cost which goes towards supporting my business. 

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Written by Naomi Spurr Studio


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